Before you decide to buy a property with the intention of developing it or significantly renovating it, you need to know every detail about the land.
To settle common property description problems before they become a big issue, you’ll need the expertise of a professional land surveyor. But even if you don’t require the assistance of one, they can provide a multitude of essential information that can come in handy.
Here are a few major reasons why you should hire a land surveyor before purchasing a property.
Set Location of Boundary Lines
Plot boundaries are often the source of disputes between property owners. It’s risky to assume a boundary line on your own as it could lead to plenty of issues down the road. You’ll especially need it before building a fence or paving your driveway.
Once you hire land surveyors for the job, they’ll be able to determine the most accurate property boundaries to help you figure out where your property begins and ends. This can prevent a lot of potential disputes.
Certify Improvements and Alterations
Often when buying a property, previous homeowners make renovations or improvements to increase the value of their property, but sometimes without realizing that they violate the law. Restrictions on properties usually regard:
The land surveyor can tell you if your latest alteration, whether it’s improved fencing, wall frames, or a project on the roof, is in violation of any laws or restrictions. They will let you know if a change is in order.
Calculate the Accurate Value of the Property
It’s difficult to get an accurate value of a property as it’s usually biased by the seller’s party. On the other hand, a professional land surveyor will be able to tell you the true value of the property.
Land surveyors base their calculations on aspects like location, surrounding landscape, topography, and other environmental factors that affect the property’s value.
Assessing the Topography of the Plot
Topography is one of the most essential aspects to consider before rushing into buying a property. It’s crucial to know the type of topography as it plays a huge part in what kind of construction design you should use.
A land surveyor will be equipped with the proper tools to conduct a thorough examination of the soil and assess any structural issues that could arise in the future. This also helps determine which areas of the plot would be more prone to flooding and other environmental problems.
Divide the Property Appropriately
Many landowners divide their plots into multiple properties either for residential or commercial use. To do this properly, you’ll need an accurate boundary line so each space has the same dimensions. This can cause problems if not done right as future tenants could get mad if they find out they’re paying more than they need to.
So if you’re not entirely sure where the line lies, it’s best to get a land surveyor to determine the most accurate split. Even a few inches can make a huge difference.