Bed bugs are dangerous tiny creatures that make their way into your home unnoticed and slowly take over your living environment. Although they may seem small and unthreatening, their main way of eating is feeding on your blood. They attack their victims in their sleep, penetrate the skin and begin the bloodsucking. As a result, you may experience skin rashes and irritations. They are also a source of contamination and spread of bacteria, germs, and viruses.
In case you identify a bed bug infestation problem, it’s advisable to seek professional bed bug extermination immediately. Reaching out to qualified pest control experts will help you protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property.
But how do you know that you are dealing with bed bugs in the first place?
In this article, we’ll share with you what you can do to check for bed bugs at home. Uncovering the problem in its early phases will make the extraction process simpler, less time consuming, and affordable.
Checking for bed bugs at home
Bed bugs are great at remaining hidden and they know how to organize themselves to stay out of sight during the day. However, being aware of expert ways of finding bed bugs will help you locate them despite their great hiding skills. Sometimes, these insects are taken for another pest like carpet beetles, which only causes additional trouble. You may approach the problem in a way that is suitable for carpet beetle extermination but you won’t be successful at getting rid of bed bugs.
Some of the signs that reveal that you are dealing with a bed bug infestation include bloodstains on your bedsheets, bed bug skin or eggshells, live bed bugs, and skin irritations. Before getting in touch with an expert, there are a few things you can do solo to check for bed bugs in your living space.
Bedroom inspection
Start by checking the room they are most tempted to invade – the bedroom. Considering that they strike at night, it’s natural that they occupy an area where people sleep. Inspect the bedding and the mattress for any signs of bloodstains or eggshells that could give out the presence of bed bugs. If you have bed sheets that are damaged don’t do any repairs. It may already be a habitat for bed bugs and they may remain trapped in it if you stitch it together.
Inspecting other areas
Move on to other parts of the house like the living room, the lounge room, bathrooms, hallways, storage rooms, and others. Thoroughly examine for any traces or signs of bed bugs on shelves, clothes, luggage, boxes, and other storage areas. Inspect the drawers, your wardrobe, any dim places with little access to light. You can also examine power outlets. A common hiding place for bed bugs is also the special place where your carpet meets the wall.
Less common places to check
When checking for bed bugs, you want to make sure that you’ve covered all possible areas. Some of the less common areas that these tiny pests could invade include things like lamps, alarm clocks, jewellery boxes, cardboard containers, TV sets, desktop computers, books, magazines, documents, even inside a dropped ceiling.
Once you discover that you have become the victim of a bed bug infestation, there are a number of ways you can approach the problem. Although there are ways to try and eliminate bed bugs without any professional help, oftentimes this will cost you more time, energy, and money as opposed to scheduling a professional bed bug extermination team to visit your property and eliminate the invasion. Don’t waste any time and call the professionals the moment you notice signs of bed bug infestation at home.