Many people dream about growing and building their muscles. But months pass by, and they don’t notice any visible results. If you are one of them, then it means that there is something wrong with your training and nutrition approach. Many do see some progress, but they experience it over a lengthy course of time.
All this can be changed for the better with the correct method of training and appropriate nutrition. Supplements like creatine powder which can be found online, effectively aid in muscle recovery and growth after intense training sessions. Apart from that, you can also tweak your training volume and benefit from muscle growth. Read on to know some smart ways to gain muscle mass in your body.
Train For Strength
Each workout comprises five variables that you can modify according to your needs. These are:
- Exercise choices
- Exercise order
- Number of sets
- Resistance
- Rest that you take in between sets.
In bodybuilding, after a period of 4 to 6 weeks, some adaptations occur within muscle fibres. They grow bigger. When you train for strength, you recruit big fast-twitch muscle fibres which need effective nerve impulses. As a result, you can expect to lift heavier within just a couple of weeks of training. So, if you want to gain muscle, focus on training for strength rather than endurance.
Consume Casein Protein For Muscle Growth
Casein protein has been commonly used by bodybuilders for a long time now. It’s because this protein is absorbed slowly into a person’s bloodstream. Thus, it keeps the muscles fed with amino acids more extended than other protein types, like plant proteins and whey. In addition, various studies have concluded that the consumption of casein protein right before bed enhances the levels of amino acids in males for 7.5 hours. Thus, it aids their body in building muscle throughout the night.
Supplement With Creatine
Creatine supplementation can significantly boost the exercise performance of an individual. The better your performance at the gym during your lifting sessions, the more muscle growth you are bound to experience. Look for 100% pharmaceutical-grade creatine powder online, which quickly dissolves in water and can be taken anytime during the day. Follow the loading protocol mentioned in the supplement package to get the most performance benefits from it. It will be wise to opt for creatine monohydrate as it is a highly researched type of supplement.
Stop Counting Calories
Muscle can only develop when you consume more calories. When you eat more than you burn, you can effectively build muscle mass. It would help if you aimed to eat close to 500 extra calories every day, and a large part of these calories should consist of protein. Never go on a calorie deficit diet when trying to gain muscle mass. You need to adequately feed your muscles to lift heavier weight and grow bigger.
Get Sufficient Rest
Muscle recovery takes time. You need to properly recover your body by getting 8 hours of sleep every night. It will help your body release the human growth hormone, which will aid in muscle growth. Not only that, but adequate sleep also keeps cortisol, the stress hormone, in check.
Inadequate rest cuts the muscle-building testosterone levels by around 15%. So, it’s essential not to ignore getting adequate rest.
Muscle growth is an outcome of proper training and nutrition. Therefore, consider every element listed above when designing your exercise and diet to get the most out of your efforts.