When you are trying to decide which pet would be right for you, there are usually two species that you will narrow your choice down to. Unsurprisingly, those are cats and dogs. For some people, this is an easy decision as they might prefer one species to another. For others, though, this can be quite a tricky choice, as they probably like both dogs and cats equally. This page could help you make that choice.
If you are looking for a pet that can be independent, but that still wants your affection from time to time, then you will definitely go for a cat. Sure, these creatures might make you feel as if they were the boss of you from time to time, but that kind of a quirky personality will only make you love them even more. Once you have done your fair share of thinking and decided to get a feline instead of a canine, you will probably assume that your time of making decisions is over and that all you have to do now is find yourself a cat and bring it home.
I hate to disappoint you, though, but things aren’t that easy and your decision making process still isn’t quite over. After all, there are so many different feline breeds out there, and that is bound to make your decision on which one to get a lot more difficult than you thought it would be. Nevertheless, I have a suggestion to make. Why don’t you check the Ragdoll out and check if it could be the right fit for you?
Oh, okay, given that you are here, you have definitely already started checking this specific breed out, which means that I’m not saying anything quite new to you. Well, if you would like me to say something new, how about reading on and learning about the advantages of getting this particular breed for you? I’m sure that you’ve already done some reading and gathered some general information about this feline, but now it’s time to check out the benefits of owning it. Here we go.
This Is A Rather Social Creature
Felines are generally depicted as these aloof and arrogant creatures that don’t like spending time with anyone but themselves, but that’s not quite correct and the Ragdoll cat is the living proof for it. Whether you want to believe it or not, these animals are generally rather social, and they love being both around people and around other animals. They are also quite great with children, since they are playful. So, one of the advantages of getting this pet lies in the fact that they are extremely social and that they will get along with just about anyone in the family, including other animals.
It Is Also Generally Healthy
Whenever you are thinking of getting a pet, you will definitely do your research on their overall health, so that you know what types of health issues to expect once you bring the animal home. Well, if you are worried about having to take too many trips to the vet after getting a pet, then the Ragdoll is the right choice for you. This breed is exceptionally healthy and it isn’t genetically predisposed to certain health problems that cat usually face. Consequently, you won’t have to take it to the vet’s office that often.
Natural Aphrodisiacs for Ageing Couples
Now, this most definitely doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t worry about its health at all. Every single animal will get sick if you don’t take proper care of it and the simple truth is that every pet will be susceptible to certain diseases, just like humans. As long as you take proper care of this animal, though, you will definitely be able to enjoy having a perfectly healthy pet for a long, long time.
You’ll Love How Intelligent It Is
While felines are generally regarded as smart animals, you can rest assured that the Ragdoll will take this statement to a whole new level. You will constantly be amazed with their brains and their intelligence. In fact, these are one of the rare cat breeds that can be trained and taught certain tricks. If you decide to do that, you will undoubtedly be proud of the way they are picking things up rather quickly. Of course, their success will also depend on your training abilities, so it’s not all up to them.
Its Quirky Personality Leaves Nobody Indifferent
Here is another thing that you will absolutely adore when it comes to Ragdolls. I am talking about their rather fun and eccentric personality. You’ll always find them sleeping in weird positions and their playing time will definitely amuse you very much. Their quirkiness is one of the reasons why people love them so much and there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll fall in love with their personality the second you bring them home.
Read this to get more information about Ragdolls in general: https://www.thesprucepets.com/ragdoll-cat-breed-profile-4583144
Grooming Them Is Easy
Another advantage of owning a Ragdoll lies in the fact that these animals are quite easily groomed. Sure, they have a tendency to shed, but that’s something that can be solved with a lot of brushing. Their grooming needs are definitely not huge. All you will have to do is comb their fur once a week in order to keep it from getting all tangled up and matted.